Eaton Public Library Summer Reading Program


The Eaton Public Library is excited to bring you our Summer Reading Program! This free, all-ages program is designed to nurture and grow a lifelong love of reading and learning through special events, reading challenges and engaging activities. Sign up begins on May 13th! The program runs from June 1st - July 27th.

Early sign up begins on May 13th! 

There are two ways to sign up:

You can sign up by filling out one of the following Google forms.

  1. Individual Sign Up: 
  2. Family Sign Up:

Or stop by our front desk and a staff member would be happy to assist you with signing up.

What is the Summer Reading Program?

The Summer Reading Program encourages and incentivizes kids, teens, and adults to visit their local library and read during the summer. Studies show that students who read during the summer months get better grades and reading scores when they return in the fall. Adults who read during the summer set a positive example for the children in their lives.

Weekly Prizes!

Patrons will get a choice of a book or the option to select something from an age appropriate treasure chest.

Final Prizes!

During week 8 of the program, patrons can choose a regular prize or submit a ticket for a grand prize drawing!

The last day to pick up prizes for the program is August 11th.


Frequently Asked Questions:

Do I need a library card to participate?
No, but we encourage you to sign up for one.

Do I have to be a Colorado resident in order to participate?
Yes, this program is intended for residents of Colorado. However guests visiting the area for the Summer are welcome to participate.

I am 8 years old but read at a high school level. Can I sign up for the Teen reading program? 
We  only ask for ages for internal statistics, there are no separate programs. We will give you a reading log that corresponds to your age group, but feel free to read whatever materials you would like to.

How much do I need to read each week to be eligible for prizes? 
Participants can set their own goals for the program. As long as you meet your own personal goal for the week, we will celebrate you and reward you with a prize for the week. 

My child is not old enough to read by themselves yet. Can they sign up? 
Yes, children as young as birth can be read to by a caregiver for the purposes of this program. 

Do audiobooks count as reading? 
They sure do! Audiobooks offer many of the benefits of visual reading, including vocabulary development and reading comprehension.  Any form of reading counts for the purposes of this program. 

I've already signed up through HPLD. Does that count here? 
Not quite- we encourage you to sign up for both programs and partake in the fun both here and at HPLD.

Can I still collect prizes if I am unable to visit the library each week?
Absolutely! Continue logging your reading and collect any prizes you may have missed during your next library visit.

Can I collect prizes for my children when they are not present? 
Yes! Parents and caregivers are welcome to collect prizes in their child’s absence.

Can I enter a drawing for a different age group's prize for the week?
No, we ask that you only take prizes for your designated age group.

I lost my prize, can I get a replacement prize? 
Unfortunately, due to limited quantities, we are unable to offer replacement prizes.